Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flight on Raining Season

Flight on Raining Season... 

Ladies and gentleman from the flightdeck your first officer speaking...

Time for another update. 
Lately I haven't been flying much resulting in probably continuing in February unfortunately.

In the meantime the flights that I flew were getting more and more weather avoidence flights. This is the result of the raining season that starts again.
A couple of weeks ago I had to make a go around in Medan due to unstabilized approach. When I was looking outside to fly visual the visual guidance on the ground was not corresponding with my instruments in the cockpit. 
I was clearly to high so I decided to go around because in my opinion a landing was unsafe from this position.
Few days ago I performed a flight to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and during this flight it was very clear that the raining season started. We had to deviate  left and right off track up to sometimes 70+ NM. All the wx radar was showing magenta ( turbulence and severe rain and hail).

Well, so far an short update..

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